My friend Nicole recently had surgery on her foot and has been wearing a cast for the past month. She has been sending me text messages of her foot in a hot pink cast…the cast was removed yesterday and she was mortified to see the amount of hair growth that sprouted under said cast…so, instead of just rushing home to shave that hairy leg, Nicole wrote a haiku…yes, she wrote a haiku!

“Cast Off”
I cannot wait
oh the joy – soon I will

Ok, so it doesn’t exactly follow the stringent Japanese 5/7/5 syllable requirements…nor does it speak about nature, but it is three lines, conveys an emotion and provides a catalyst to spark the right emotion. So, still impressive in my book…and, what a great phone call…just to have a friend who might not have time to tell you about their day, but can just call you for 5 minutes to tell you about their haiku…love it!!!

And, for the record…after calling me, she shaved her leg…twice…after exfoliating with a Buf-Puf™!