by theferretonline | Apr 3, 2015 | great sites, time wasters
My friend Devyn sent me the Draw a Stickman site today. Check it out. Super fun to play around with… Enjoy! Happy...
by theferretonline | Jan 22, 2015 | great sites, retail hall of fame, shopping, television
If, for some strange reason you don’t have Amazon Prime, you should sign up for it on Saturday, January 24th when the price is reduced from $100 a year to $72 a year (for the first year only). It is amazing – free 2 day shipping plus tons of movie and tv...
by theferretonline | Jan 21, 2015 | family, food, great sites, housewares, retail hall of fame
I boil a lot of eggs in my house. A lot of eggs. My sister does too. We also have contests to see who can boil the perfect egg. If I’m being honest, it is more about how easy the egg is to peel than it is about how well the yolk is cooked. So, we have...
by theferretonline | Dec 5, 2014 | family, gifts, great sites, guilty pleasures, holiday gifts, rants, shoes
I visited my sister at work yesterday and her friend Pam told me about Blue Q socks. And…they are pretty awesome. The messages are hilarious and say exactly what you are thinking some of the time, but may not say out loud. Unless you are my sister or me. If...
by theferretonline | Oct 28, 2014 | great sites, guilty pleasures, shoes, trends
Gnome shoes and more gnome shoes. Did you know that was a thing? Neither did I. My friend Lydia found these and others at ModCloth. It is a great site – lots of fun things. I’m not sure who wears these shoes, but check them out for a little...
by theferretonline | Sep 18, 2014 | food, great sites, housewares, products, retail hall of fame
I kind of have a love affair with all OXO products. There have been a few misses over the years, but for the most part, I love everything they produce. My latest obsession is the Salad Chopper and Bowl. I recently came to terms with the fact that I am not a...