My bathroom gets a little steamy

I have been looking for this robe for a few weeks or one like this anyway. The robe I am using now is way too hot to use in 90 degree heat…long sleeves…thick collar…too hot! This one is perfect for the summer though and I am so excited that I found...

I had no idea…

…DSW sells shoes online now. It looks like the prices are as good (or better) than they are in the store. My only complaint is I don’t get the same shoe adrenaline rush viewing the shoes online that I get from furiously scanning the aisles in the...

Pedicure time

Just in time for a “get my feet back into summer shape pedicure, I have found the cutest pair of sandals. I just love the color – I think I can wear them with anything. I have worn a few pairs of Dolce Vita shoes in the past and found them to run a smidge...